Friday, 28 March 2014

Story of the Week

Our story of the week for Week 9 is from Tamara, who has written a great story about Number Bowling, one of the maths activities we do in our class.  What I really liked about this piece of writing was that Tamara talked about what she liked about Number Bowling, as well as what she has actually learned by playing it.

Ka mau te wehi, Tamara!

PS Can any of you figure out how to get 28?

Today we had the privledge of having Matua Dudley in side our class to help us complete a few strategy’s. Number bowling has been really cool because Mr Dawson gives us new numbers every week and he makes it challenging enough for us.We did not quite finish the activitie today because we only had the numbers 8,5,2 and I can’t remember the last number.I even noticed Matua Dudley was struggling to work out the answer for 28.Mr Dawson said that he did this with his daughter and she got up to um.. can’t quite remember but yeah and I was like she must be pretty brainy because like he alway’s   talks about her and how she achves most her stuff (she must study a lot.)Number bowling is like uplifting because like I get better and better at it.One thing that I’ve also learnt is Bodmas, the B stands for brackets ( ).The O stands for operations like square roots  and something to the POWER of something.The D stands for division.The M stands for multipulcation.The A stands for addition  and the S stands for subtraction and their you go.Mr Dawson also gave us a way of saying 8 times 8 like I ate and ate and got sick on the floor.


  1. Wow Tamara what a great piece of writing. Being in the room with your class while you were all doing your maths was a privledge. I only popped in for five minutes and ended up staying the whole time, I was fully engaged in the lesson. I was telling Mrs Dawson about they way your class were all working so well together and was 'blown' away with the many rautakei that you were all using to try and solve the tasks.
    I also told all the other teachers about the lesson I saw as well as the lovely atmosphere in your room.

    I hope you like having other teachers in your room because I have a feeling a few will be asking Mr Dawson if they can be part of your lessons. Psst... I have a feeling that you are all going to be able to answer the maths problems quicker than them :).

    Well deserved winner this week Tamara

    Na Matua Dudley

  2. Awesome stuff Tamara. Always nice to hear you enjoying your math lessons. Ka mau te wehi!

  3. Wow always nice to see your child doing well and enjoying the lessons at school, keep up the awesome work matua dudley, mr dawson and of course Tamara and the rest of room 20
