Friday, 4 April 2014

Year 7-8 Leadership Day

Today, all of our Year 7-8 students ventured to Finlayson Park for a fabulous leadership day.  The event was superbly organised by Matua Des and brilliantly run by MAIA, with the help of a number of wonderful Te Wānanga o Aotearoa students.  Here is a selection of photos from the day.


  1. Man that leader ship day was legendary thanks to our Te wananga whanau for being our leaders like junior as our MC and bubbles. We have learnt alot of things from you's all like how to communicate with each other and how to support and work as a team work. The best time of my life was having a water fight with Te wananga, friends and teachers wetting the teachers was a crack up. Anyways i really enjoyed having fun today 2014. i do not know how to end this well but
    Mauria mai te mana o te ra- seize the day

  2. cool i wish i was there

  3. You guys have so much fun.
    sina room13

  4. Wow those photo's look awsome and looks like you guys had so much fun.
    By Anna rm 13
