Friday, 20 June 2014

Story of the Week

Our story of the week comes from Tamara, who has written about how much loom bands have annoyed her teacher.  Classic story, Tamara!

Wow their is a new popular thing at school want to know what it is yeah it is the crazy loom bands. Our teacher really hates them and he tells us nearly every day DONT WEAR THOSE ANNOYING BANDS AROUND YOUR WRIST OR ELSE I WILL TAKE THEM OF YOU and what does our class do….. yeah they still wear them and im like hahahha nek minute mine gets tackin of me and im like dammm it. Mr Dawson has a whole pile of them in his cupboard from people who do not obey his rules.TBH I am a really big fan of them and I wear  them nearly every single day. These bands are also really really really distracting and guess what….. you can make and do like 1 million or so things out of them. Its crazy because all of our class wears them and its so random. One of my class mates brang a whole packet of bands (not made) to school and out the door her bands went. I was like what a absoulute waste of money. He’s sooooooooooo Sad with a capital s because he can be nice and give them another chance but other times he just takes them of them and either tells them he’ll throw them out (in the bin) or we have to get a parent to come and get them. He specifically said that he will tell our parents the reason why he confiscated them.


  1. Ae I totally agree with Mr Dawson , I saw a boy flicking the rubber band at another kid. We have rules to keep everyone safe. Tamara I have noticed some great examples of the use of 'voice' in your mahi. I can just imagine you saying many of the things you have written , Well done!.

  2. Personally I like the bands Tamara and I have seen some amazing things made with them, not just the bracelets. But rules are rules and you can't say Mr Dawson didn't warn you all. ;)
    I love your writing and I agree with Matua Dudley I can just imagine you saying these things. Maybe you could write a piece to persuade Mr Dawson to let you have them in class or as an elective next term...
    Mrs Nathan

  3. Good story Tamara, we can really tell that Mr Dawson does not like loom bands. Miss Tuapawa don't like loom bands (rainbow bands as we call it) too. We always play with them when we are sitting on the mat, she takes them off us. We try not to wear them now.

    Room 14.
