Monday, 15 September 2014

Year 7-8 Careers Expo

Last Friday, we had a Careers Expo for our Year 7-8 students.  Our students heard from a wide variety of people and organisations about their chosen careers, including the Head Boy and Head Girl from James Cook High School, Mr Cressey (building), the Police, St John, Air New Zealand, MAIA and AUT.

It was an outstanding morning and really opened up the eyes of our students to the world of possibilities that is out there.  Thanks to Matua Des and the MAIA team for their awesome organisation!


  1. What a variety of speakers you had. It's hard to think about what you might like to do when you're older but it is important to consider what interests you and work hard at school so you have more than one option :-)

  2. that is so so so cool
    Sarina 13

  3. cool

    room13 Quentin

  4. Wow! you guys must have fun at your amazing expo.
    sina rm13

  5. that looks awesome
    anna rm13
